Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Hidden Gems: “Tía Isa Wants a Car” by Meg Medina, illustrated by Claudio Muñoz.

Happy Tuesday everyone! 
As always we will begin the week by highlighting a great children’s book, this week’s choice being “Tía Isa Wants a Car” by Meg Medina, illustrated by Claudio Muñoz.

In this book, as the title clearly states, Tía Isa wants a car! This is made difficult because any money that is being saved is mostly sent back to the island to help the family that is still there, including the protagonist's mother, father and grandfather. Rather than give up the idea as a foolish dream, both aunt and niece decide they will save money for the car. What makes this a great book is that we are presented with strong female characters that are independent, ones that serve as role models for girls and women alike. 

Being a beginner driver myself, I appreciate what the car symbolizes to the characters and the hope that comes with owning a car that can open new possibilities, like the one this duo of niece and aunt dream of, going to the beach. Add the subtle passages describing the family and the nostalgia for a home that was once so close to the water and you have in your hands a book that empowers children to accomplish their goals and still places an importance on family ties. Definitely one book you don’t want to miss.

Think this is a great book? Make sure to keep an eye for it and other great finds in our children’s section.

- Galia Sandy, Schools Program Coordinator

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